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Sounds and products for Modal Electronics Cobalt8

Improve your sound library and enhance your performance with high quality presets compatible with Modal Electronics Cobalt8

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Vendor: YOU

OTL001 - Ephilion - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 50 presets )

This soundbank is full of cosmic leads, multi-faceted morphing pads, nasty basses and dreamy plucks, modeling arpeggios and surprising fxes... 50 new sounds!

Vendor: Otto K Schwarz
19,00 €
15,00 €

LDX046 - Massive Synth - Modal Cobalt8 Series ( 24 presets )

New soundscape pads, classic pads, progressive and powerful leads useful in every musical context, some industrial sound and so on, useful for cinematic compositions... 24 new sounds!

Vendor: Leadsounds
24,00 €
14,00 €
Modal Cobalt8 - Sound Banks and Libraries

The largest selection of sound libraries for your Modal Electronics Cobalt8 synthesizer, in this collection of sound banks you will find the highest quality patches selected for your user bank...