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DRS032 - Nostalgia 90s - Nord Stage 3 ( 25 presets )

DRS032 - Nostalgia 90s - Nord Stage 3 ( 25 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 25,00 €
This pack provides you the typical keyboard sounds that were used on the 90s dance/house music. A journey through pads, pianos, strings and synth sounds used in the 90s to produce the best dance hits! 25 new sounds for Nord Stage 3!
Added by DeRoSound

DRS032 - Nostalgia 90s - Nord Stage 3 ( 25 presets ) - Details

This pack provides you the typical keyboard sounds that were used on the 90s dance/house music. A journey through pads, pianos, strings and synth sounds used in the 90s to produce the best dance hits ! 25 new sounds for Nord Stage 3!


"This Nord library is a collection of programs"


Download instructions for this sounds pack


Patches List:
90s Brass
90s Soft Brass
Analog Pad
Alex Bright Pad
Alex F Short 2
Ales F Short
Alex F
Bass Organ Dance
Chopin Piano
Chopin Saw
Corona Brass Org
Corona Saw
Dance Organ
Dance Piano 90s
Dance SawSub
Dance SuperSaw
Dance SuperSaw2
M1 Piano
Piano Organ
Piano Pad 90s
Saw Bass
Saw Gigi Dag
Synth Strings


Note: Backing tracks in the videos are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the sound pack.

Nord ® is a registered trademark of Clavia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


DRS032 - Nostalgia 90s - Nord Stage 3 ( 25 presets ) - Video Preview 1