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Products tagged as : funky

A great bundle pack available for Sequential Prophet Rev 2: new soundscape pads, classic pads, synths, powerful bass and leads useful in every musical context.

Finally available the bundle Funky Stuff + 1983 Retro Soundset for your Nord Lead 2 / 2x / Rack... 259 new sounds!

The new Funky Stuff for Nord Lead 2 /2x / Rack is a great collection of classic analog sounds that winks to the funky music... 109 new sounds!

The library explores about 3 decade of synthesis, plus 8 "Superstar Patches" prepared for specific songs: Sting, Keith Emerson, M. Jackson, S. Wonder... 42 new patches!

A new sound bank available for Moog Sub 37 / Subsequent 37 synths. A great collection of 62 new leads & basses sounds for funky music and more... 62 new presets!

A new sound bank available for MOOG Minitaur synth. A great collection of 35 new basses sounds for funky music and more!

Red Giant Library is created for every keyboard player who needs great sound under his fingertips; the library explores about 3 decade of synthesis... 33 new patches!

Red Giant Library is created for every keyboard player who needs great sound under his fingertips; the library explores about 3 decade of synthesis... 29 new sounds!

A new sound bank for Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX inspired to funky music... 49 new patches!

The library explores about 3 decade of synthesis, plus 8 "Superstar Patches" prepared for specific songs: Sting, Keith Emerson, M. Jackson, S. Wonder... 42 new patches!

The library explores about 3 decade of synthesis, plus 5 "Superstar Patches" prepared for specific songs: ABBA, ELP, Queen, M. Jackson, S. Wonder... 22 new patches