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SCL259 - StanWhy Z Upright Library - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 29,00 €
A huge library for Yamaha MODX / MODX+ inspired by the legendary StanWhy Z Upright.. 19 new sounds!

SCL259 - StanWhy Z Upright Library - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets ) - Details

A huge library for Yamaha MODX / MODX+ inspired by the legendary StanWhy Z Upright Piano. 75 mb of new samples recorded in stereo.
2 velocity levels for the piano and new pad, strings and orchestra sample sounds for this library. 19 new performances with layer and split for classical, rock, pop and progressive music.

Patched by Francesco Monaco.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
Dynamic STW Z
DynaMix SusTein Z
Concert STW Z
Up-Front STW Z
Warm STW Z
Compressed STW
STW Z for Rock
Dance STW Z
Dark STW Z
STW & Rhodes AS1&2
DX Ballad STW AS1
DX Power STW AS1&2
STW+Strings AS1,AT
STW Concerto AS1&2
STW Orchestra AS1
Pad STW AS1&2
Dreaming STW AS1Knob
STW & B3 AS1&2
STW Bass Split AS1

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