This week, ride along in real-time as Kurzer Giuseppe De Rosa sculpts the intro sound for Marooned song by Pink Floyd. Get VAST
Kurzweil K2700 Vs K2600
After 25 years, the release of the K2700 for many musicians means the return of one of the greatest
Workstations of the 90s. The Kurzweil K2600. Unique and innovative of its kind for the power and the
infinite possibilities of sound and programming. Suffice it to say that in 1996 a computer had a maximum of
32mb Ram, the K2600 instead had the possibility of expanding up to 128mb of Ram.
Evo 02 Diskovery - PF Cover Pack - Kurzweil Pc3, Le, Pc3k, Pc3a
Kurzweil Forte 7 + Nord Stage 2 ex
Kurzweil Forte SE - 88 keys synth piano Jamming
Kurzweil Forte Vs Roland Rd800
Kurzweil Forte Vs Nord Stage 2
Kurzweil Artis SE demo by Paolo Costa
Paolo Costa, dimostratore ufficiale Kurzweil, ci illustra le caratteristiche del nuovo stage piano Artis SE.