Yamaha Montage 7 + Waldorf Zarenbourg jamming
Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop - Monster Pack
This collection provides professional patches and samples (requires the sample option for the Blofeld Rack ) .
These sounds cover every musical style, from Progressive Rock to Trance.
Check it out! You can load into the Mininova using the "Mininova Librarian" free tool distributed from global.novationmusic.com. We provide our services of sound creating, o here is the example of video slots with using it (here is the link) with free slot games using our sounds.
001 - Grand Piano
002 - Big Strings Ens
003 - Groove Riffs
004 - Burning Sync
005 - Synth Guitar
006 - Hell Bell
007 - Guitar Assault
008 - Rhody
009 - Leading Saws
010 - Analog Keys
011 - Ghost Keys #1
012 - Chamber Strings
013 - Velo Lead
014 - M3llotron Flute
015 - Modern Lead
016 - M3llotron Strings
017 - Wha Lead
018 - Choirs
019 - Keyness
020 - Saw Pad
021 - Dist Lead
022 - Fantasy
023 - Wurly
024 - Soft Lead #1
025 - Flute Trip
026 - Lfo Machine
027 - B3!
028 - Alone
029 - M3llotron Choir
030 - FM Distortion
031 - Phaser Attack
032 - Hollywood Orchestra
033 - Different Shapes
034 - Big Octa Lead
035 - Ghost Keys #2
036 - Scratch Mod
037 - Reso Grip
038 - Shore Strings
039 - Saws Attack
040 - Liquid Lead
041 - Wave Bells
042 - Clav Lead