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TPL027 - Synth Warp - Arturia Minifreak - V ( 65 presets )

TPL027 - Synth Warp - Arturia Minifreak - V ( 65 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
The new Synth Warp sound library add a new palette of sounds to this wonderful synthesizer. Compatible with both versions of Minifreak and VST Standalone equipment. Dynamic and abstract... 65 new sounds!

TPL027 - Synth Warp - Arturia Minifreak - V ( 65 presets ) - Details

The new Synth Warp sound library add a new palette of sounds to this wonderful synthesizer. Compatible with both versions of Minifreak and VST Standalone equipment ( Minifreak V ). Dynamic and abstract sequences and arpeggios tied to a synchronized delay, landscape textures and classic pads, Atmosphere,Soundtrack flavored with great effects. 65 presets with Type: Arpeggio, Sequence, Evolving Pad, Melodic Sequence, Rhytmic Sequence, Soundtrack, Ambient , SFX , Atmosphere The demo tune was recorded in real time and does not contain external effects or any processing, the first 2 minutes is a mix of 4 patches, then single programs.

Made by Alexander Kav



Download instructions for this sounds pack

65 presets with Type:

Evolving Pad
Melodic Sequence
Rhytmic Sequence
Ambient SFX

Arturia ® is a registered trademark of Arturia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


TPL027 - Synth Warp - Arturia Minifreak - V ( 65 presets ) - Video Preview 1