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LFO074 - The World of Sequences - Behringer Odyssey ( 64 patterns )

LFO074 - The World of Sequences - Behringer Odyssey ( 64 patterns )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
Welcome to the world of sequences for the Behringer Odyssey. We made 64 different patterns for your Behringer Odyssey.
Added by Lfo store

LFO074 - The World of Sequences - Behringer Odyssey ( 64 patterns ) - Details

Welcome to the world of sequences for the Behringer Odyssey. We made 64 different patterns for your Behringer Odyssey.



Positive ones
Melancholic & mystical
Progressve & techno
Classic analog
Goa & psychedelic
Kraftwerk famous “Robots” sequence

Behringer® is a registered trademark of MUSIC Group IP Ltd. © which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LFO074 - The World of Sequences - Behringer Odyssey ( 64 patterns ) - Video Preview 1