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GPR019 - Super Jx-logia - Korg Nautilus Series ( 14 presets )

GPR019 - Super Jx-logia - Korg Nautilus Series ( 14 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
SUPER JX-LOGIA is a library dedicated to the most famous vintage analog polyphonic synthesizers by Roland®: JX-10 (also known as Super JX)... 14 new sounds!
Added by GPRMusic

GPR019 - Super Jx-logia - Korg Nautilus Series ( 14 presets ) - Details

“SUPER JX-LOGIA” is a library dedicated to the most famous vintage analog polyphonic synthesizers by Roland®: JX-10 (also known as Super JX). The files have a total size of 153 MB. The library has been built with the intention of recreating the warmth and the thickness of the original synthesizers’ timbre, giving the musician the possibility to have some of the most iconic sounds, that made them so famous, at his/her fingertips. 


Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
JX Saw Lead
JX Saw Raw Lead
JX Square Raw Lead
JX Square Chorus Lead
JX Pulse Raw Lead
JX Pulse Chorus Lead
JX Noise Raw
JX Noise Chorus
JX Saw Chorus Pad
JX Saw Raw Pad
JX Square Raw Pad
JX Square Chorus Pad
JX Pulse Raw Pad
JX Pulse Chorus Pad

Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


GPR019 - Super Jx-logia - Korg Nautilus Series ( 14 presets ) - Video Preview 1