Sounds and products for Korg Microstation
Improve your sound library and enhance your performance with high quality presets compatible with Korg Microstation
SCL078 - ( Bundle ) - Leads Pack + PF Cover Pack MKI - Korg Microstation ( 21 presets )
Available on Korg Microstation the bundle pack Leads + PF Cover Pack MKI... 21 new sounds!
Vendor: multivendorLDX167 - PF Cover Pack MKI - Korg Microstation ( 14 presets )
This essential collection allows you to recreate the Pink Floyd sound on your Korg Microstation... 14 new sounds!
Vendor: FrancSoundLDX015 - Leads Pack - Korg Microstation ( 8 presets )
This is a lead collection that makes you the monster of the stage... 8 new sounds!
Vendor: LeadsoundsThe largest selection of sound libraries for your Korg Microstation synthesizer, in this collection of sound banks you will find the highest quality patches selected for your user bank...