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APL008 - Ambient Sensation - Korg Monologue ( 60 presets )

APL008 - Ambient Sensation - Korg Monologue ( 60 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 25,00 €
This is a unique collection that allows you to expand your ambient music experience: 60 new patches for your Korg Monologue.
Added by Art507

APL008 - Ambient Sensation - Korg Monologue ( 60 presets ) - Details

This is a unique collection that allows you to expand your ambient music experience. 22 minor scale sequences, 14 major scale sequences, 14 random ambient sequences, 10 drum & percussion loops: 60 new patches for your Korg Monologue. 





Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
01. Ambient Sensation
02. Sequence
03. Warm Rain
04. Decomposition
05. FM Moving
06. Frozen
07. Sad Arp
08. Dark Times
09. Racing
10. Born to Run
11. Funky Planet
12.Vibe Soft Arp
13. Grounded Arp
14. Bamboo Island
15. Darkness
16. Oriental
17. Off Road
18. Pluck 2
19. Eternity
20. Synchronized
21. Cosmic Arp
22. Metal Arp
23. Dreams
24. Shining
25. Morning
26. Decay Arp
27. Pluck 1
28. Delayed Arp
29. Clouds
30. Harmonic Ld
31. Space Craft
32. Square Lead
33. 2 Octave Harm
34. Plastic Lead
35. Analog Brass
36. Morning Dew
37. Air Arp
38. Bali
39. 2 Octave Ld
40. Sequencer
41. Deep Bass
42. Runner
43. Night Time
44. 80’s Arp
45. Club Bass
46. Ambient Bass
47. Old House 2
48. Video Game
49. Electro Sax
50. World of Toys
51. Filtered Beat
52. Deep Waters
53. Percu
54. Melodic Drum
55. Acid Jazz
56. Electro Beat
57. 2/4
58. 4/4
59. Lost in Space
60. Hi hat Filtered

Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


APL008 - Ambient Sensation - Korg Monologue ( 60 presets ) - Video Preview 1