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SCL352 - Synth Classic Vol.1 - Korg PA4x Series ( 29 presets )

SCL352 - Synth Classic Vol.1 - Korg PA4x Series ( 29 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 29,00 €
Synth Classic V1 is the first volume of a set of libraries for the Korg Pa4x professional arranger, inspired by the most iconic sounds of the Juno 106 by Roland®... 29 new sounds!
Added by Przemoll

SCL352 - Synth Classic Vol.1 - Korg PA4x Series ( 29 presets ) - Details

Synth Classic V1 is the first volume of a set of libraries for the Korg PA4x professional arranger, inspired by the most iconic sounds of the Juno 106 by Roland®.
The library contains 29 new multisample sampled from the original machines. It has been organized in 32 patches.





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Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SCL352 - Synth Classic Vol.1 - Korg PA4x Series ( 29 presets ) - Video Preview 1