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DRS057 - The Floydian Wall - Korg Triton EXTREME VST ( 60 presets )

Sales Price: 59 €
Discounted Price: 39,00 €
This pack is intended for those who love Pink Floyd music. It provides a great sounds collection for your Korg Triton EXTREME VST... 60 new patches!
Added by DeRoSound

DRS057 - The Floydian Wall - Korg Triton EXTREME VST ( 60 presets ) - Details

This pack is intended for those who love Pink Floyd music. It provides a great sounds collection for your Korg Triton EXTREME VST... 27 new PROGRAMS and 33 COMBIS.
Patched and performed by Giuseppe De Rosa.



Patches List: ( 27 Programs / 33 Combis )

Strings Shine 1
Strings Shine 2 OCT
Moog Bass
Shine Organ
Saw Shine
Shine Sax
Yet Movie ARP
Yet Movie Pad
Yet Stack 1
Yet Stack 2
Yet Horn Stack
Sorrow Pad
Resonance Pad
Sorrow Arp Sound
Sorrow Stack
Sorrow Strat Stack
Sorrow Piano
Conf Fall Guit
Conf Synth Horn
Conf Strings
Any Color Saw Lead
Echoes Piano
PF Synth Brass
Rodhes Money
Keep Talking Lead
Great Day Piano Delay
Rodhes Breathe

Yet Movie Stack 1
Yet Movie Stac 2
Yet Movie Arp+Pad
Time Intro + Main
Time Bridge
Breathe Bridge
Sorrow Pad
Sorrow Pad + B3
Sorrow Stack
Conf Numb 1
Conf Numb Final Solo
Coming Back
Coming Back + B3
Marooned Intro
Marooned PIano+Strings
Any Color You Like
Echoes 1
Echoes 2
Echoes B3 OD
Echoes VOX
Learning Main
Learning Bridge
Pigs Piano
Pigs Rodhes
High Hopes
High Hopes Bridge
A Great Day For Freedom
A Great Day For Freedom 2

Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


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