SSX102 - Ultimate Leads MKIII - Korg Triton LE / TR ( 55 presets )
Provides a lot of professional leads, like the legendary Liquid Lead, Monster Lead, Key Solo and so on, 55 new patches...
SSX102 - Ultimate Leads MKIII - Korg Triton LE / TR ( 55 presets ) - Details
Ultimate Leads MkIII contains a very large collection of "prog metal leads and sounds", inspired by the greatest keyboard players: Jordan Rudess, Derek Sherinian, Kevin Moore, Michael Pinnella, Jens Johansson and so on... This is the best leads collection ever made on TRITON LE / TR. 55 new sounds designed and performed by Alex Di Donna ( SynthSound ).
Patches List: ( *Samples in Patch )
Liquid Lead
The most famous JR lead.
Liquid Wah
New JR distorted wah lead (-Y).
New Wah Lead
A revolution for the new JR main lead with 2 feedback variations on both (+Y) and (-Y) by pressing sw2.
Pig Riffs
Powerful heavy keyboard sound useful to make groove with guitar.
Vintage analog / modern
2 variations JR moog mostly used in Octavarium.
Monster Lead / Dly
2 Legendary Monster sounds inspired by the textures of Derek Sherinian ( Dream Theater, Planet X).
Key Solo *
The faboulus Key Solo: first octave is the bass section; knob 4 adds damper so you can play the whole section without pedal.
B4 Clone / New Clone
2 variations of organ tones.
Fuzz Poly / Lead
2 variations of classic fuzz lead.
New Wailing <+3>
Famous lead sound inspired by JD800 wailing lead mostly used in early DT records.
Power Lead
Classic FM synthsis lead inspired by Johanson keybordist. Useful for power stuffs.
VeloWha Lead
A variation of Wailing lead with wah effect synchronized with velocity.
Dw8m Lead
Classic DW8000 lead sound inspired by the textures of Kevin Moore keyboardist.
Soft Lead
A soft lead tone inspired by Dw8000 early Korg synthesizer.
Continuum I / II
Wonderful patchs that allows you to ricreate the textures od Octavarium suite by DT. Lower section - pad; upper section - keytar lead sound.
Fuzz Poly II/ Mono II
2 variations of classic fuzz lead.
Organ Groove
Classic percussive organ sound with custom leslie emulation.
New Wave Filter
It is a filter flangered sound used both on FII and live. - Y adds octave strings layer.
Powerful rhodes with distortion: you can control distortion tone with knob 3 and 4 ; knob 1 adds a flanger to the rhodes.
Universe Arp
A motion pad patch with arpeggiator. Sw2 adds organ layer.
DS FrangePad
A flanged pad used live by DT.
DS Groove X / II
A custom Derek Sherinian signature groove tones based on Nord Lead.
Modular Lead A lead that gives a nod to the analog tones with a light fuzz distortion.
Monster Solo sw2
A split with fastsynth pad and monster lead. Sw2 adds more delay.
I&W BassLead / KM Lead / KM Saw / KM Square / LTL / Live lead / II
6 variations of classic DW8000 synthetizer sounds featured in I&W collection.
TOT Wah Lead
A great lead sound inspired by ToT album.
Jordan Sitar
A sitar sound inspired by JR sound.
Wiza-RA Lead
JR lead mostly used on his late solo projects.
JR lead used on OTBOTA song.
PF Shine II
A classic lead with delay that winks to PF sound.
JR Stumbled
Split: lower section bass and heavy guitar sound;upper section: pwm lead with vibraphone. Sw1 and sw2 transposes momentary by octave.
DD Riff
Another Derek Sherinian - Planet X signature groove tones based on Nord Lead.
Motion pad patch with arpeggiator and strings.
Steel lead / II
A lap steel sounds simulation.
Awake Strings
A strings sound inspired by the famous DT album.
JR Rev. Piano
An atmospheric piano with reverse envelope.
80's Ballads
A tipical Roland 80's piano inspired by JD800.
A mysterious piano sound inspired by Derek Sherinian - Planet X.
2116 Patch
Arp/Piano & Pads patch inspired by Planet X song "2116".
Monster King
Powerful acid groove sound useful for heavy riff parts.
JR Home Sitar *
A sitar sound with tablas and violin lead inspired by Home song.
Kurzy classic sound. Slider adds rotary speaker simulation.