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SLG005 - Synth Legends V5 - Kurzweil PC4 Series ( 16 presets )

SLG005 - Synth Legends V5 - Kurzweil PC4 Series ( 16 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
Synth Legends V5 is a collection of 16 timbres programmed for the Kurzweil PC4 and K2700. They are inspired to the vintage synthesizers made by Korg.
Added by DeRoSound

SLG005 - Synth Legends V5 - Kurzweil PC4 Series ( 16 presets ) - Details

Synth Legends V5 is a collection of 16 timbres programmed for the Kurzweil PC4 and K2700. They are inspired to vintage synthesizers made by Korg and for each class of timbres the synthesis engine of the original machine was recreated on the interface of the Kurzweil, choosing also the best mapping of the parameters in order to fully control each timbre in a live situation. Feel the power of the Korg synthesizers on your Kurzweil and have fun enriching each timbre with the powerful synthesis engine made by Korg.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Sound Banks recommended by KURZWEIL

Patches List:

1. BoxSitar
2. Fake Voice
3. Mario Game
4. Massive Choir
5. MS-20
6. Palamine
7. Piano Stack
8. StrungsAlong
9. Synth Bass
10. Toy Piano
11. Mellow Puff
13. Killer Horn
14. EP Pad
15. Overture
16. Pianics

Kurzweil ® is a registered trademark of Young Chang Co., Ltd. which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SLG005 - Synth Legends V5 - Kurzweil PC4 Series ( 16 presets ) - Video Preview 1