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VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x

VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x

Sales Price: 58 €
Discounted Price: 24,00 €
Synthology V1 + Synthology V2: a great bundle pack for Modal Argon 8 / 8m / 8x; 200 new presets ready to breathe new colors into your music and inspire creativity from leads to pads, from bells to stabs, from electric pianos to organs!
Added by Vortebor

VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x - Details

Synthology V1 + Synthology V2: a great bundle pack for Modal Argon 8 / 8m / 8x; 200 new presets ready to breathe new colors into your music and inspire creativity from leads to pads, from bells to stabs, from electric pianos to organs !





Argon8 ® is a registered trademark of Modal electronics which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x - Video Preview 1
VTL005 - ( Bundle ) - Synthology V1 + Synthology V2 - Modal Argon 8 - 8m - 8x - Video Preview 2