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SCL054 - Leads Pack - Monark Native Instruments ( 5 presets )

SCL054 - Leads Pack - Monark Native Instruments ( 5 presets )

Sales Price: 10 €
Discounted Price: 5,00 €
This collection contains 5 presets for Native Instruments Monark, inspired by some famous Moog leads from 70's to modern times...
Added by Judoludo

SCL054 - Leads Pack - Monark Native Instruments ( 5 presets ) - Details

This collection contains 5 presets for Native Instruments Monark, inspired by some famous Moog leads from 70's to modern times...


Patches List:
01: 4th Keith Brass
02: HolzLead
03: Saw(yer)tooth Lead
04: September's Lead
05: Shine Lead

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