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DVK015 - Strings Samples Expansion 01 - Nord Stage 4 ( 16 presets )

DVK015 - Strings Samples Expansion 01 - Nord Stage 4 ( 16 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 29,00 €
This collection is based on 40mb of new samples captured from an entire section of concert strings shot in different playing styles... 16 new sounds!
Added by Davek

DVK015 - Strings Samples Expansion 01 - Nord Stage 4 ( 16 presets ) - Details

This collection is based on 40mb of new samples captured from an entire section of concert strings shot in different playing styles.
All sounds have been carefully sampled and programmed to return the sonic peculiarities and playability of real instruments.
Patched and performed by Davide Puxeddu.


"This Nord library is a collection of programs and samples organized in separate bundles"


Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List

1. EXP01 Ensemble
2. EXP01 Pizzicato
3. EXP01 Long
4. EXP01 Spiccato
5. EXP01 Chamber
6. EXP01 Legato
7. EXP01 Tremolo
8. EXP01 Arco
9. EXP01 Sordino
10. EXP01 Long 2
11. EXP01 Pizzicato 2
12. EXP01 Spiccato 2
13. EXP01 Chamber 2
14. EXP01 Winter
15. EXP01 Choirs Ah
16. EXP01 Choirs Uh

Nord ® is a registered trademark of Clavia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for



DVK015 - Strings Samples Expansion 01 - Nord Stage 4 ( 16 presets ) - Video Preview 1