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SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets )

SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 29,00 €
The Starter pack is a collection of classic sounds of the most famous digital keyboards and analog synthesizers for Nord Stage 2/ 2 EX... 20 new sounds!
Added by Liotta

SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Details

The Starter Pack is a collection of 20 classic sounds of the most famous digital keyboards and analog synthesizers for Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX.
It is a collection of sounds that can be adapted to various genres and musical needs: leads, choir, mono and poly synth sounds, pianos.
Patched and performed by Simone Liotta.


"This Nord library is a collection of programs and samples organized in separate bundles"  


Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
1) 70 strings (Disco strings)
2) 80s lead
3) Acoustic guitar
4) Atmo pad
5) D50 polybrass
6) Dynamic horns
7) Epic chioir
8) Funk stab
9) Gigi
10) Guitar western
11) Horns
12) Human bells
13) Hyper pad
14) Keypiano 1
15) Keypiano 2
16) Moog solo 1
17) Moog solo 2
18) Orchestron Ahh
19) Saw city
20) Vector pad SL

Nord ® is a registered trademark of Clavia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Video Preview 1
SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Video Preview 2
SLL001 - The Starter Pack - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Video Preview 3