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LDX172 - One Vision Cover Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 10 presets )

LDX172 - One Vision Cover Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 10 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 14,00 €
A collection of sounds inspired by the most famous songs by Queen for the Jupiter 80 by Roland®... 10 new patches!
Added by Leadsounds

LDX172 - One Vision Cover Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 10 presets ) - Details

A collection of sounds inspired by the most famous songs by Queen for the Jupiter 80 by Roland®... 10 new patches.

Patched and performed by Alberto Trullu for Leadsounds.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:

-One Vis PLAY SONG (Intro of one vison: i have recorded back track and second string with arpeggiator. Press SONG AND look if there are aonevis intr selected, after press play and enjoy!!)

-Want live4ever (inspired from DX7 original tone synorch,used in the original track)

-Showmust string (classical and synth string for the intro of the show must go on )

-Radio Gaga intro (arpegiator on the lower part (bass) piano and voices for the Intro)

-Radio ga belpian (piano bells and voices)

-Want to breakfree (intro synthbrass and string)

-Break free piano

-Break lead (lead tone for the keyboard solo or unison with the guitar)

-Break free string (synth string flanger)

-Toomuchlove dx (DX EP PIANO for Too much love will kill you intro)

Roland ® is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LDX172 - One Vision Cover Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 10 presets ) - Video Preview 1