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RML001 - JD-800 Factory - Fantom X ( 64 presets )

RML001 - JD-800 Factory - Fantom X ( 64 presets )

Sales Price: 59 €
Discounted Price: 39,00 €
This soundbank is made up of a recreation of the 64 original JD-800 patches, creatively adapted to the Fantom X synthesizers architecture.
Added by RMStudios

RML001 - JD-800 Factory - Fantom X ( 64 presets ) - Details

This soundbank is made up of a recreation of the 64 original JD-800 patches, creatively adapted to the Fantom X synthesizers architecture.
The purpose of this work is NOT to substitute the greatness of the modeled machine, nor to create a 1-to-1 clone of the original (that should be impossible). Rather, I tried to bring the amazing musical intention of the JD sound to the very powerful Fantom X family. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the result !


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RML001 - JD-800 Factory - Fantom X ( 64 presets ) - Video Preview 1