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LDX170 - Super Jd - JD-XA ( 48 presets )

LDX170 - Super Jd - JD-XA ( 48 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
The Super Jd pack includes pads, leads, arpeggiators, bells, pianos and all you need to best exploit the potential of the JD-XA by Roland®... 48 new sounds!
Added by Leadsounds

LDX170 - Super Jd - JD-XA ( 48 presets ) - Details

This collection of 48 new sounds includes pads, leads, arpeggiators, bells, pianos and all you need to best exploit the potential of the JD-XA by Roland®.

Patched and performed by Enrico Lorenzini.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:

Bank F
1 - JDXAPowAnaEL
2 - Eternity EL
3 - FatBrass EL
4 - OSC Lead
5 - J1 EL
6 - Arbells EL
7 - Pad&Bells EL
8 - Vast Lead EL
9 - Vangelus EL
10 - Dist Think EL
11 - JustWhSynth EL
12 - Dreamy EL
13 - Dreamy B EL
14 - PowerPiano EL
15 - Fat Think EL
16 - FilterArp EL

Bank G
1 - StringArp EL
2 - JupiterBrs EL
3 - Sweepad EL
4 - ArpsHands EL
5 - Staticity EL
6 - RomantcArpEL
7 - Open Lead EL
8 - PuffSyn EL
9 - ClassicJP EL
10 - Sine Pad EL
11 - VoicePad80 EL
12 - SpaceRock EL
13 - WavePoly
14 - SpaceFrag EL
15 - DanceLead EL
16 - LievePad EL

1 - GummyBass EL
2 - PowerSyn EL
3 - SquareFilt EL
4 - Pure Clas EL
5 - Bass Boost EL
6 - GermanPop EL
7 - Advance707 EL
8 - Brillant EL
9 - Carrie EL
10 - Ping Puff EL
11 - CardioLead EL
12 - Hold It EL
13 - SpaceCopt EL
14 - Evocate707 EL
15 - Elephant EL
16 - ByeArp EL

Roland ® is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LDX170 - Super Jd - JD-XA ( 48 presets ) - Video Preview 1