SCL483 - The Floyd Side Of The Moon Vol.1 - Fantom-0 ( Over 50 Tones - 15 Scenes )
SCL483 - The Floyd Side Of The Moon Vol.1 - Fantom-0 ( Over 50 Tones - 15 Scenes ) - Details
The Floyd Side Of The Moon Vol. 1 was created for playing a Pink Floyd Show with just one keyboard, the Roland Fantom / Fantom 0 series.
It is of course possible to rearrange the sound-set for a 61-keys-keyboard or to route it via midi to use it in a two-keyboard-situation.
All tones, zones and scenes were successfully tested in live situations. Every song has its dedicated tempo and the click is routed to Sub1.
Over 50 tones in 15 scenes were programmed from scratch to be suitable for a live-band-environment, using an expression pedal (control 1), a switch pedal (control 2, used to change Rotary-Speed) and of course the sustain pedal (hold). Some scenes use the pattern or chord memory function as well. Samples like the helicopter or the children choir are mapped to the keys on the left side of the keyboard to reach them easily.
No extra expansions or sound modules are needed.
The Floyd Side Of The Moon Vol. 1 works right out of the box.
When necessary the 16 pads are used to switch between different song parts. The songs are listed in a dedicated scene-chain with help full information in the memo-section.
For further information be sure to read the Specs PDF
Scenes List ( Over 50 tones in 15 scenes )
Br3athe To Me (*)
Run (*)
Tim3 07 (*)
Big Gig 07 (*)
Mon3y (*)
Th3m & Us
Any Color U 07
Brain 3clipse 07 (*)
Learnin‘ 2 Fly 07 (*)
Sorow 07
Comin‘ Back To Live 07
Higher Hope 07 (*)
Wingpigs 07 (*)
Running As Hell
(*) Samples used