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APL019 - Classic Synths & Pads - Sequential Prophet Rev2 ( 30 presets )

APL019 - Classic Synths & Pads - Sequential Prophet Rev2 ( 30 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
Classic Synths & Pads is a sound set that includes versatile sounds for different styles like Pop, Soul, R&B, Funk and others. The ModWheel adds different characteristics to the sounds, it is more noticeable in... 30 new sounds!
Added by Art507

APL019 - Classic Synths & Pads - Sequential Prophet Rev2 ( 30 presets ) - Details

Classic Synths & Pads is a sound set that includes versatile sounds for different styles like Pop, Soul, R&B, Funk and others. The ModWheel adds different characteristics to the sounds, it is more noticeable in... 30 new sounds !



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:

Simple Brass
Winter Pad
Aqua Synth SPLIT
FM Sequence
Sahara FX
Big Brass Pad
FM EPiano
Soft Pad
Flanger Clav
Sawtooth Pluck
Hard Synth
Triangle Pad
Wow Synth
Tap Synth
Hybrid Piano
Space Ship
Analog Pad
Muted Pluck
Simple Clav
Arctic Pad
Vintage Horns
Vintage Pad
Soft Chorus Pluck
Flute Pad
Ambient Pluck
Sweeping Pad

Sequential is is a registered trademark of Sequential LLC which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


APL019 - Classic Synths & Pads - Sequential Prophet Rev2 ( 30 presets ) - Video Preview 1