SWS002 - Space Pads - Logic Pro X Retrosynth
SWS002 - Space Pads - Logic Pro X Retrosynth - Details
Space sound synth patches for Retrosynth, the new amazing synthesizer of Logic Pro X.
Retrosynth emulate the best synthesizer engines of the 70’s, 80,s, 90’s using Analog, Sync, Wavetable and FM synthesis.
This library is perfect for soundtracks, and movies. Evolving athmospheres from another world will bring you to a new dimension.
Ideal also to give more ambience and style to your prog metal, Heavy Metal or electronic songs.
Programmed and designed by Andrea De Paoli.
Patches List:
Noisy ladder
Analog strings
Andromeda sound
Black hole pad
Blade Runner
Brassy queen
Calm clouds
Crazy diamonds
Crazy Fm
Evolving species
Fast Attack Pad
Forbidden planet
In the middle of Nowhere
In this earth
Jarre voice
Lost Knife
Mercury rising
Messy fx
Meteora pad
Out of this earth
Pink Floyd Heaven
Plato strings
Pulsating pad
PWM Choir
Shining stars
Singing Theremin
Space bubbles
Swelling dust
Take off
Talking flies
The fifth of God
Venus wind
Warm Jupiter
Warm planet
Warm Swell
We are aliens
Weeping of the moon