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LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets )

LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets )

Sales Price: 79 €
Discounted Price: 49,00 €
A huge collection of professional sounds for the Blofeld series. This collection provides professional patches and samples. These sounds cover every musical style, from Progressive Rock to Trance... 89 new patches
Added by Leadsounds

LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Details

A huge collection of professional sounds for the Blofeld series. A great "must have" for every Waldorf Blofeld owner since there are 89 original sounds that you won't hear in the factory presets that come with the synthesizer. This collection provides professional patches and samples (requires the SL License for the Blofeld Rack). These sounds cover every musical style, from Progressive Rock to Trance. Patched by Claudio Fusillo and Enrico Lorenzini for Leadsounds. Check it out !



Download instructions for this sounds pack


Patches List:
001: Grand Piano
002: Big Strings Ens
003: Groove Riffs
004: Burning Sync
005: Synth Guitar
006: Hell Bell
007: Guitar Assault
008: Rhody
009: Leading Saws
010: Analog Keys
011: Ghost Keys #1
012: Chamber Strings
013: Velo Lead
014: M3llotron Flute
015: Modern Lead
016: M3llotron Strings
017: Wha Lead
018: Choirs
019: Keyness
020: Saw Pad
021: Dist Lead
022: Fantasy
023: Wurly
024: Soft Lead #1
025: Flute Trip
026: Lfo Machine
027: B3!
028: Alone
029: M3llotron Choir
030: FM Distortion
031: Phaser Attack
032: Hollywood Orchestra
033: Different Shapes
034: Big Octa Lead
035: Ghost Keys #2
036: Scratch Mod
037: Reso Grip
038: Shore Strings
039: Saws Attack
040: Liquid Lead
041: Wave Bells
042: Clav Lead
043: Flute Lead
044: Far Away
045: Analog Guitar
046: Chaos Lead
047: Bass Experience
048: Modern Perc
049: Reflections
050: Intimal Strings
051: Pizzicato Strings
052: Piano & Strings
053: Future Clav
054: Destroyer
055: Noise Arp
056: Saw Amp Lead
057: Waves
058: Soft Lead #2
059: Air Perc
060: Game Over
061: Fuzz Lead
062: Ethnic Lead
063: Nightmare
064: Analog Wurly



Patches List: (Bank H) 
H001 - AirSyn EL
H002 - StereoFlute EL
H003 - SynPaw EL
H004 - Sueno De Val EL
H005 - Leader Trance EL
H006 - WaldorfClassic EL
H007 - FilterBassGumEL
H008 - Ice Sweep EL
H009 - Italo Disco EL
H010 - Lead Attack EL
H011 - BrasserRoland EL
H012 - 707B.LineModW
H013 - MassiveSaw EL
H014 - FlySynt MW EL
H015 - CardioSyn EL
H016 - Synthendio EL
H017 - ElettroBenny EL
H018 - Tumber EL
H019 - FilterBeam EL
H020 - DreamyDX EL
H021 - Disorder EL
H022 - Pure Lead EL
H023 - Organas EL
H024 - DigitalNoise EL
H025 - Synthopia EL

Waldorf ® is a registered trademark of Waldorf Music GmbH which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Video Preview 1
LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Video Preview 2
LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Video Preview 3
LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Video Preview 4
LDX196 - Monster Pack V3 - Waldorf Blofeld / Desktop ( 89 presets ) - Video Preview 5