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SCL219 - Proph 5 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets )

SCL219 - Proph 5 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
This new library for Yamaha MODX / MODX+ includes patches sampled by the legendary Prophet 5... 19 new sounds!

SCL219 - Proph 5 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets ) - Details

This new library for Yamaha MODX / MODX+ includes 5 new waveforms sampled by the legendary Prophet 5.
The library includes 19 new Performances inspired by the iconic sounds of this synth that made the history of music in the 80s. Size: 37 Mb

Patched by Francesco Monaco.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
Prophet Perc. Organ
Prophet 80' Bass
Prophet Acid Bass
Prophet Basso
Prophet Low Strings
Prophet PhasyStrings
Prophet Brass 5th
Prophet Classic Bra'
Prophet Classic Pad
Prophet 80' Bra'
Prophet Behind Brs
Prophet 80'Session
Prophet 5Th Lead
Prophet Portalead
Prophet S.Saw Lead
Prophet Voice Lead
Prophet Italian Lead
Prophet Mooving Pad
Prophet PadPulseMod

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SCL219 - Proph 5 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 19 presets ) - Video Preview 1