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SCL218 - Emulator Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 21 presets )

SCL218 - Emulator Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 21 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
This library is composed of the original samples of the legendary EMULATOR II that made the history of the 80s... 21 new sounds!

SCL218 - Emulator Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 21 presets ) - Details

This library is composed of the original samples of the legendary EMULATOR II that made the history of the 80s. Peter Gabriel, Michael Jackson, Genesis etc... used the sounds of this keyboard to create their music. The most iconic sounds have been selected for you, grouped into 21 new performances with 22 new Waveforms of about 30MB.  In order to remain faithful to the original sound, some waveforms have been sampled from the C1 to C6 key, respecting the parameters of the real Emulator.

Patched by Francesco Monaco.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
EMU Sledgehammy
EMU SynthBrass SW1
EMU OBstrings
EMU II GrandPiano
EMU II Shakuhachi
EMU II Liute
EMU II 12 String
EMU II Memostrings
EMU II Frenchy Horns
EMU II Musette
EMU II Choir Ens.
EMU II Drummy Efx
EMU II String Ens.
EMU II Glassytop Pad
EMU II Synth Bass
EMU II Mikeys Beat
EMU II Axel Fools
EMU II Electro CP
EMU II Fluteking

Yamaha ® is a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for.


SCL218 - Emulator Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 21 presets ) - Video Preview 1