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LDX200 - One Vision Cover Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 10 presets )

LDX200 - One Vision Cover Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 10 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
A collection of patches which will help you to cover some famous songs by Queen... 10 new sounds!
Added by Leadsounds

LDX200 - One Vision Cover Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 10 presets ) - Details

A collection of 10 new sounds which will help you to cover some famous songs by Queen on your Yamaha MONTAGE / M.

Patched and performed by Alberto Trullu for Leadsounds.



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
-Who want to live forever
-who want to live forever strings
-One vison intro
-The show must go on
-Radio gaga intro
-Too much love Dx piano
-I want to break free intro
-I want to break free synth
-I want to break free lead
-Breakthru organ&synthbass

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LDX200 - One Vision Cover Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 10 presets ) - Video Preview 1