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SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets )

SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets )

Sales Price: 49 €
Discounted Price: 39,00 €
This collection provides all the sounds you need to play the full historical soundtrack of "Back to the future", "Mission Impossible" and "James Bond Theme" on your Yamaha workstation... 51 new sounds!

SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Details

This collection provides all the sounds you need to play the full historical soundtrack of "Back to the future", "Mission Impossible" and "James Bond Theme" on your Yamaha workstation... 51 new sounds !



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:

26 performances - Back to the future

Reverse cymbal, horns and timpani
Harp, trumpets and trombones
Dynamic snares
Strings, harp and cymbal
Dynamic snares and xylophone
Strings and glockenspiel
Horns and strings
Timpani and horns
Woodwinds, timpani and cymbal
Horns, timpani and cymbal
Full orchestra, dyn brass arp at A1
Snare, strings, glocken and horns
Trumpets and strings
Strings and percussion (hold A4)
Horns big layer
Strings and horns
Strings, trumpets and horns
Dynamic snares and xylophone
Strings, harp and cymbal
Dynamic snares and xylophone (+ perc)
Timpani roll harp arpeggio
Big full orchestra
Strings and brass, glocken in the middle
Timpani and reverse cymbal
Strings brass and snare roll, theme in the middle
Full orchestra perc brass and strings

6 performances - Mission Impossible

Piccolo trill, main percussions riff
Melody with crescendo
C minor part
Back to g minor, ostinato high strings
Rich percussions, percussions roll on G2
Full Orchestra and synchronized harp arpeggio

19 performances - James Bond Theme

Strings and horns
Strings and spiccato strings
Electric bass, horns, strings and tambourine
Simple strings
Timpani crescendo roll, full orchestra with xylophone
Drums, trombones and guitar
Drums, trombones, trumpets and guitar
Ostinato and electric guitar
Staccato horns
Full orchestra
Full Orchestra with piccolo trumpet
Block Chord, piccolo trill, walking bass
Full orchestra with xylophone
Percussions, strings and horns
Electric guitar theme
Main theme to horns
Electric guitar theme
Brass overlapping
Electric guitar with tremolo

Yamaha ® is a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 1
SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 2
SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 3
SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 4
SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 5
SCL406 - Movie Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 51 presets ) - Video Preview 6