GPR023 - JD-Logia Vol.1 - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 32 performances )
GPR023 - JD-Logia Vol.1 - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 32 performances ) - Details
“JD-logia” vol.1" is the first volume of a set of libraries for the Yamaha MONTAGE / M synthesizer, inspired by the most iconic sounds of the JD synthesizers from Roland® (starting from JD-800/JD-990 to arrive at the JD-XA nowadays).
The files have a total size of 163 MB each and are supplied both as a library file and user file, with .X7L and .X7U extension respectively.
They can be successfully loaded both on the MONTAGE / M and the MODX synthesizers.
The library has been built with the intention of recreating the warmth and the complexity of the timbres created on the original synthesizers, giving the musician the possibility to have some of the most iconic sounds that made them so famous, at his/her fingertips.
The library contains 20 new waveforms, deeply sampled from the original machines. It has been organized in 32 performances, 20 of which can be considered “single timbres”, 12 of which can be considered combinations of them. Sometimes factory performances from the MONTAGE / M were used, in order to show how well these sounds can be combined with the FM-X synthesis, for example.
Patches List:
Simple Performances:
- JD-AdonisTwink
- JD-AmonRA
- JD-AutumnWind
- JD-AirPressure
- JD-Andromeda
- JD-BigPad
- JD-AlphaCentauri
- JD-Astralys
- JD-BloodAndFame
- JD-AltairBells
- JD-Atlantis
- JD-Contact
- JD-DarkBreeze
- JD-DesertSaw
- JD-CryMyOsc
- JD-DarkPluck
- JD-DistantStone
- JD-CrystalEdge
- JD-DeathStar
- JD-DistantString
Complex Performances:
- JDEX-AdonisCombo
- JDEX-EarthAndSun
- JDEX-Albedo
- JDEX-Spirals
- JDEX-SynthStrato
- JDEX-BigTexture
- JDEX-Echoes
- JDEX-AuroraBorealis
- JDEX-RainDrops
- JDEX-Himalaya
- JDEX-PowerComp
- JDEX-Arrival