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SLG002 - Synth Legends V2 - Korg Kronos Series ( 34 presets )

SLG002 - Synth Legends V2 - Korg Kronos Series ( 34 presets )

Sales Price: 29 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
Synth Legends V2 is a collection of 34 timbres programmed for the Korg Kronos and Nautilus. They are inspired to the vintage synthesizers made by Roland®.
Added by DeRoSound

SLG002 - Synth Legends V2 - Korg Kronos Series ( 34 presets ) - Details

Synth Legends V2 is a collection of 34 timbres ( 778 MB ) programmed for the Korg Kronos and Nautilus. They are inspired to the following vintage synthesizers made by Roland®:

Jupiter 8

and for each class of timbres the synthesis engine of the original machine was recreated on the interface of the Kronos and Nautilus, choosing also the best mapping of the parameters in order to fully control each timbre in a live situation.
Feel the power of the Roland® monsters on your Kronos or Nautilus and have fun enriching each timbre with the powerful synthesis engine made by Korg.



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Patches List:

Near The End
Under Pressure
Bright Plucks
The Ivory Sweeps
Sweeping Choirs Res
Sweep Perc
The 4th Dimension
Fantasy Harpsi
Vangelis Space
Dyna Wailing
Mistery Organ
Circle Saw Lead
The African Style
Dreams & Glasses
Paris Organ
Alternative Carrilon
Moogish Brass
Bright Hollows
5th Analogique
Casual Pad
Atmos Sweep
The Mellow Pad
Syncing the Prophets
The Nomad
The UK Dead Night
Sweeping TronX
Dark New Wave Pad
Tension Pan
Studio Brass
2600 Reasons Why
Night Club Sax

Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SLG002 - Synth Legends V2 - Korg Kronos Series ( 34 presets ) - Video Preview 1