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LFO124 - Impulse - Korg Opsix / Se ( 40 presets )

LFO124 - Impulse - Korg Opsix / Se ( 40 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
40 dance presets and sequences for Korg Opsix / Se are waiting for you!
Added by Lfo store

LFO124 - Impulse - Korg Opsix / Se ( 40 presets ) - Details

Lfo.store presents “Impulse” for Korg Opsix / Se.

Korg Opsix is a powerful synthesizer with a lot of potential and an incredible variety of sounds, this time, we will dive into the world of pulsations together with “Impulse”.

More movement, more emotions!

40 dance presets and sequences are waiting for you!

In the bank you will find deep pluck, massive bass, lead, arp and sequences and that will fill your compositions with new colors and emotions.

Suited for all modern genres of electronic music: retrowave, ambient, trance, house, classic electronica, downtempo.

We put all our effort & inspiration to make this patches suited for many genres & styles of electronic music.

Every patch of our soundset is musical & can be immediately used in your tracks & production.

Welcome to the universe of sounds.



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Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LFO124 - Impulse - Korg Opsix / Se ( 40 presets ) - Video Preview 1