SSX140 - ( Bundle ) - Wizard Dream EXi + Kurzy 4 + Virtual Prophet - Korg Kronos Series
korgsynthologiakronoswizardplanetclassicsynthsynthsounddream theaterjordan rudessderek sherinianmetalprogressiveleadsdream theaterdave smithprophet 5prophet 6prophet 12
Sales Price: 149 €
Discounted Price: 129,00 €
The Wizard Dream EXi + Kurzy 4 + Virtual Prophet now available in a great bundle pack! Over 500 new programs and 52 combis!
Added by Synthsound
SSX140 - ( Bundle ) - Wizard Dream EXi + Kurzy 4 + Virtual Prophet - Korg Kronos Series - Details
The Wizard Dream EXi + Kurzy 4 + Virtual Prophet now available in a great bundle pack! Over 500 new programs and 52 combis !
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