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SSX106 - G - Piano V1 - Korg Triton STUDIO ( 9 presets )

SSX106 - G - Piano V1 - Korg Triton STUDIO ( 9 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
A very useful collection of 9 new variations of a sampled piano for your Korg Triton STUDIO...
Added by Synthsound

SSX106 - G - Piano V1 - Korg Triton STUDIO ( 9 presets ) - Details

SynthSound proudly announces its first Piano Collection for Korg Triton Studio, so called "G - Piano". There are samples of the famous old Japanese captured in a dry environment with professional condenser microphones. Designed and performed by Alex Di Donna ( Synthsound ). This collection requires 64 Mb RAM installed on your Triton, of course. The patch list consists of nine variations of ambience and equalization of the same sampled piano.



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SSX106 - G - Piano V1 - Korg Triton STUDIO ( 9 presets ) - Video Preview 1