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OTL004 - Explorations 2 - Korg Wavestate / mkII / Se / Native ( 40 performances )

OTL004 - Explorations 2 - Korg Wavestate / mkII / Se / Native ( 40 performances )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
We have prepared for you diverse and voluminous pads, morphing and transforming arpeggios, bright and memorable plucks, caustic and catchy basses, inspiring drums and percussion sequences - 40 useful presets are located in this soundbank for Korg Wavestate!
Added by OttoLfo

OTL004 - Explorations 2 - Korg Wavestate / mkII / Se / Native ( 40 performances ) - Details

The renowned sound designer Otto K. Schwarz has prepared the unique multilayered presets which works perfect for scoring films, creating ambient music, electronica, EDM, or performing live jams.
First of all, the focus is on cool leading sounds that can stun the listener. Also, we have prepared for you diverse and voluminous pads, morphing and transforming arpeggios, bright and memorable plucks, caustic and catchy basses, inspiring drums and percussion sequences - 40 useful presets are located in this soundbank for Korg Wavestate / mkII / Se / Native !



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Voluminous pads
Morphing and transforming arpeggios
Bright and memorable plucks
Caustic and catchy basses
Inspiring drums
Percussion sequences

Korg ® is a registered trademark of Korg Inc which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


OTL004 - Explorations 2 - Korg Wavestate / mkII / Se / Native ( 40 performances ) - Video Preview 1