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SCL121 - N2 Brass Samples - Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex ( 7 presets )

SCL121 - N2 Brass Samples - Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex ( 7 presets )

Sales Price: 39 €
Discounted Price: 19,00 €
This soundset contains 7 Nord User Samples (nsmp files) for Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex

SCL121 - N2 Brass Samples - Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex ( 7 presets ) - Details

This soundset contains 7 Nord User Samples (nsmp files) for Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex. You can load it using the Nord Sample Library. A very useful collection in various musical styles: from fusion to dance, from metal to classical music. Your Nord keyboard won't be the same after trying these sounds.


"This Nord library is a collection of samples only" 


Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
Brass Swell +Falls (Falls Modulation)
Sax Tenor
Sax Alto +Slide (Slide Modulation)

Nord ® is a registered trademark of Clavia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


SCL121 - N2 Brass Samples - Nord Stage 2 / 2 Ex ( 7 presets ) - Video Preview 1