LDX105 - Leads Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 13 presets )
LDX105 - Leads Pack - Jupiter 80 ( 13 presets ) - Details
Leads Pack contains a very large collection of "prog metal leads and sounds", inspired by the greatest keyboard players: Jordan Rudess, Derek Sherinian, Kevin Moore, Michael Pinnella, Jens Johansson and so on... This is the best leads collection ever made on Jupiter 80 by Roland®.
Patched and performed by Alberto Trullu for Leadsounds.
Patches List:
1) k2500HammeronLd *inspired from kurzweil k2500 original liquid tension tone 1997
2) k2600liquidTld *inspired from modern k2600 liquid t lead preset
3) synth rez *rezo synth for some dream theater parts
4) Images soft lead *inspired from IMAGES AND WORDS lead for some parts
5) sq leadmute lowe *square lead always from Images and words
6) Poly6 jens inemo *Original tone inspired from the super Jens Johansson Lead{Visions live|}
7) Pinella 01solo *Lead of korg 01w from symphony x michael pinella{the divine wings of tragedy album}
8) JP8000pinella2 *Another Pinella Lead. Live SESSION from Roland jp8000
9) JP8000pinella3 *Pinella lead from twilight in olympus {always jp8000 lead}
10) FuzzLead *Derek Lead in Falling into infinity
11) Monster Lead *Must to have from DEREK !!! Dist overdrive LEAD WHA
12) KeySolo *Intro for LINES in the Sand with Poland mono Monster lead with all guitar feedback like the original!