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SCL217 - Genesynth Cover Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 10 presets )

SCL217 - Genesynth Cover Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 10 presets )

Sales Price: 9 €
Discounted Price: 5,00 €
A collection of sounds for the Yamaha MODX / MODX+ inspired by some famous songs by Genesis... 10 new patches!

SCL217 - Genesynth Cover Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 10 presets ) - Details

A collection of sounds for the Yamaha MODX / MODX+ inspired by some famous songs by Genesis... 10 new patches !

Patched by Francesco Monaco.

Does not require RAM memory



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches List:
Turn it on Lead
FirthofFifth Brassy
Genesis Org. Trans.
Follow Lead Genesis
Polykey Turn iton
Abacab Lead5th
Polysynth Turn It on
Turn it on Perform
Abacab Perform
Follow You Perform

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SCL217 - Genesynth Cover Pack - Yamaha MODX / MODX+ ( 10 presets ) - Video Preview 1