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Products tagged as : Symphony

Finally available the great metal bundle Monster & Symphony S4K! Powerful pack feauturing Monster Pack S4K, Gothic Room and Patches of an era, with all the necessary to play live aloud and with personality: many metal leads, groove sounds, power pads, strings and all the Nightwish and gothic atmospheres... over 350 patches!

Finally available the great metal bundle Monster & Symphony! Powerful pack with all the necessary to play live aloud and with personality: many metal leads, groove sounds, power pads, strings and all the Nightwish and Gothic atmospheres... over 350 patches!

Finally available the great metal bundle Monster & Symphony S4K! Powerful pack feauturing Monster Pack S4K, Gothic Room and Patches of an era, with all the necessary to play live aloud and with personality: many metal leads, groove sounds, power pads, strings and all the Nightwish and gothic atmospheres... over 350 patches!

Finally available the great metal bundle Monster & Symphony! Powerful pack with all the necessary to play live aloud and with personality: many metal leads, groove sounds, power pads, strings and all the Nightwish and Gothic atmospheres... over 350 patches!