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Products tagged as : dsi

Three great sounds collections now available in a bundle pack for Sequential Take 5: Massive Synth + DKS Custom Collection + Funky Leads & Basses... over 140 patches!

From pads to leads, from basses to arps: 16 awesome warm & deep sounds immediately ready to go in your Sequential Take 5.

This sound library includes a selection of aggressive leads, rhythmic patterns, LFO patches, atmospheric pads, plucks, deep and evolving soundscapes, arps for film scoring, electronic music, sound design and much more… 66 new sounds!

This sound library includes a selection of atmospheric pads, plucks, deep and evolving soundscapes, brass, massive leads, powerful basses, arps and polysynth sounds for film scoring, electronic music, sound design and much more... 25 new sounds!

A new FREE sound bank now available for DSI MOPHO... 6 new sounds!