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Products tagged as : synth strings

Finally available the bundle Killer Pads V1 + V2 for your Yamaha MODX / MODX+... 62 new sounds!

Finally available the bundle Killer Pads V1 + V2 for your Yamaha MONTAGE / M... 62 new sounds!

KILLER PADS V2 Brings out the sound potential of the Yamaha MODX / + and MONTAGE at its best. 32 Outstanding pad sounds, that gather Cinematic Pads, Classic Warm Pads, FX Pads, Evolving Pads, Choir Pads, Analog like pads, Digital Pads and more.. Suitable for athmospheres, intros, carpets, cinematic effects, sci fi Pads, sound FX and to take inspiration for any kind of music.

KILLER PADS V2 Brings out the sound potential of the Yamaha MODX / + and MONTAGE / M at its best. 32 Outstanding pad sounds, that gather Cinematic Pads, Classic Warm Pads, FX Pads, Evolving Pads, Choir Pads, Analog like pads, Digital Pads and more.. Suitable for athmospheres, intros, carpets, cinematic effects, sci fi Pads, sound FX and to take inspiration for any kind of music.

This awesome library adds creativity and power to your Yamaha MONTAGE / M; it features from soundscape pads to classic pads, from dark pads to evolving pads... 30 new sounds ideated and designed from scratch.

This awesome library adds creativity and power to your Yamaha MODX / MODX+; it features from soundscape pads to classic pads, from dark pads to evolving pads... 30 new sounds ideated and designed from scratch.

This awesome library adds creativity and power to your Kurzweil K2700; it features pads, synth strings, vox pads and organ pads... 26 new sounds!

This awesome library adds creativity and power to your Kurzweil PC4; it features pads, synth strings, vox pads and organ pads... 26 new sounds!

The Classic '80 Sound is the new original castom soundset for Prophet Rev2. 128 unique patches and 100% analogue flavor.

This awesome library adds creativity and power to your Sequential Prophet Rev 2; it features pads, synth strings, vox and brass pads... 128 new sounds!