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LDX190 - Synth Legends - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets )

LDX190 - Synth Legends - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 9,00 €
The Synth Legends is a great collection of moving pads, organs, piano synths and clavinet inspired by the legendary synths by Roland®... 20 new sounds on about 175 MB new samples!

LDX190 - Synth Legends - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Details

The Synth Legends is a great collection of moving pads, organs, piano synths and clavinet inspired by the legendary synths by Roland®... 20 new sounds on about 175 MB new samples !



Download instructions for this sounds pack

Patches list and relative samples:
Killer pad
Pulse Pad
Lovely Vox Pad
Deep Breath Pad
Pure Glass
Glass Voices
Ac Piano Hy
E Piano
Seq E Piano
Pipe Organ
Att Organ
Cls 222 1
Cls 222 2
Ring Organ
Jazz Organ
Authentic Harp
Authentic Clav
Digital Clav

Nord ® is a registered trademark of Clavia which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LDX190 - Synth Legends - Nord Stage 2 / 2 EX ( 20 presets ) - Video Preview 1