SCL268 - M1 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 42 presets )
SCL268 - M1 Vintage Pack - Yamaha MONTAGE / M ( 42 presets ) - Details
This new library includes 460mb of new samples derived from the legendary Korg M1. The iconic sounds of that keyboard that made the history of modern music are re-released for Yamaha MONTAGE / M in stereo 44100hz format. The classic sounds of the M1 and new sounds combined with FM and AWM2 synthesis... 42 new sounds and live sets !!!
Patched by Francesco Monaco.
Patches List:
Universe M1
Piano '8 M1
Piano '16 M1
Brass 1 M1
Ohh\Ahh M1
Guitar 1 M1
BottleBell M1
Symphonic M1
Pan flute M1
Drum #1 M1
PanMallet M1
E.Piano1 M1
Trumpet M1
Nimbus M1
DistGuitar M1
Vibes M1
Pick Bass M1
Organ 2 M1
Flute M1
Dream Pad M1
Magic Piano M1
Solo Sax M1
Kalimba M1
A.Bass M1
Strings M1
SynMallet M1
Lore M1
Bottles M1
Bell Ring M1
SynthBass M1
Solo Synth M1
Pop M1
Sitar M1
Overture M1
Harpsicord M1
Brassy&Pitchy M1
Africana M1
'80 Brassy M1
Piano '8/SlowStr M1
Pan&Pad M1
Clavi Touch M1