Keytar masterclass: sound, techniques, controls, tips & tricks! With this masterclass you'll learn all about this fantastic instrument to reveal each detail and any secrets!Approach, technique, style, feeling, control, performance, songs analysis, jamming, improvisation, solo sound creation, live and studio setups for any kind of performance and much more, all included in the Keytar course. I will pass you all my live and studio experiences playing Keytar all around the world! - the package contains a video lesson of 50 minutes
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This new collection includes a selection of Sounds Leads, Evolving Pads , Analog Pad and Texture Sounds programmed to provide space for your creativity . Patch List 1 Interstellar 2 Delta Machine3 Evolution4 Costellation of Andromeda5 Delayzed6 Fluid Lead7 In The Gravity8 Into The Space9 Omniverse10 Omni Saw11 Parallel Lead12 Ring Of Jupiter13 Solar Groove14 Space Piano15 Toxic16 Universe Lead
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Space sound synth pacthes for Retro synth, the new amazing synthesizer of Logic Pro X. Retro Synth emulate the best synthesizer engines of the 70’s, 80,s, 90’s using Analog, Sync, Wavetable and FM synthesis. This bundle of space pacthes pads and sounds are perfect for soundtracks, and movies. Evolving athmospheres from another world will bring you to a new dimension. Ideal also to give more ambience and style to your prog metal, Heavy Metal or electronic songs. Programmed and designed by Andrea De Paoli PATCH LIST Noisy ladder Analog strings Analogspacepad Andromeda sound Black hole pad Blade Runner Brassy queen…
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ENGThe patches were created using the original samples (included in DVDs you find in the original package of the NORD ELECTRO 4) and adequately setting drawbars and effects in order to get the sounds identical to the original performances .For example: for the sounds of The Doors the VOX CONTINENTAL organ was used, for the sounds of Deep Purple a HAMMOND B3 organ was used, for the electric piano of Pink Floyd and The Doors the Fender Rhodes and Wurlitzer samples were used and so on. ITALe programmazioni sono state effettuate usando i campioni originali (inclusi nei DVDs che accompagnano…
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Riproponiamo l'intervista realizzata qualche tempo fa con Andrea De Paoli, tastierista dei Labyrinth, che entra in collaborazione con Synthonia proprio in questi giorni. Ciao Andrea benvenuto su KS, sappiamo delle tue importanti collaborazioni e delle tue partecipazioni di rilievo all’interno del mondo metal e progressive italiano e internazionale anche in altri generi musicali. - Come sei arrivato a seguire diversi percorsi artistici essendo partito da un approccio prettamente rock e metal? - Ho iniziato suonare da molto piccolo, ogni volta che vedevo una tastiera bianca e nera ne venivo letteralmente affascinato perdendomi a suonare quello che mi veniva naturale per…
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