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Saturday, 10 January 2015 11:53
Written by Synthonia
Last time we talked about the simple sound and its features. The sound we usually hear is not a simple one (sinusoidal oscillation), but a complex sound. In order to treat this issue, it is necessary to clarify the concept of envelope (we will study this argument in deep later) and harmonics. The sound envelope is the variation of its amplitude over time. Let's consider now an instrumental sound: his complexity is evident. If you listen to just a single note, you will find out how the sound is made up, not only of an oscillation, but also of a…
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Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:03
Written by Synthonia
Organizzazione delle proprie patches sulle Workstation Korg in sede live
Quando si utilizzano delle cose in maniera impropria a volte escono fuori delle cose interessanti… Questo articolo è rivolto a tutti gli utilizzatori in sede live di un’unica workstation Korg che si sono sempre arrovellati il cervello per organizzare i propri suoni al meglio. Conosco molti tastieristi che saltano da una modalità all’altra (PROGRAM, COMBI, SEQUENCER) manualmente e senza troppo criterio e personalmente ritengo questo metodo scomodo e alle volte inefficiente ai fini della perfetta riuscita di un concerto. Un metodo rapido ed efficace ma a volte restrittivo è quello dell’attivazione del pulsante chiamato “10’s hold” che si trova nel…
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Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:03
Written by Synthonia
Patches organization on Korg Workstation for gigs
Sometimes the improper use of something may bring to something interesting... This issue is for those who use an unique Korg Workstation during live concerts, and those who rack their brains to organize their patches in the best possible way. I know so many keyboard players that leap manually from a mode to the other (namely, PROGRAM, COMBI, SEQUENCER) and without any sense. In my opinion, this is inconvenient and makes the live performance difficult to manage. A concrete and quick method, but at the same time constraining, is the activation of the "10's hold" button, in the numerical keypad.…
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Sunday, 11 January 2015 20:23
Written by fabio
Programmare su Motif XS-XF: l'ABC.
Chi non ha mai sentito la frase: ”Programmare su Motif è complicato!”? Forse la Yamaha Motif risulta essere meno intuitiva di altre workstation, ma appena ci si chiariscono le idee su alcune questioni, si capisce ben presto che il tutto non è complicato. Sul lato destro della workstation in questione notiamo numerosi tasti, non facciamoci impressionare, servono per lo più come scorciatoia per selezionare una precisa voice o perform in un determinato banco senza dover necessariamente scorrere tra i vari menù, o possono essere utilizzati per esempio per “far tacere” un determinato Element. A proposito di Element chiariamo che questo…
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Sunday, 11 January 2015 20:23
Written by fabio
Programming Motif XS-XF for dummies
Who hasn't ever heard the sentence "Programming in Motif is fairly a mess!”? Yamaha Motif could be considered less intuitive than other workstations, but as some matters are set straight, you will quickly change your mind. On the workstation right part, there are so many buttons: this mustn't upset you, because they are mainly shortcuts to select a certain voice or perform in a certain bank, without switching around in all the different menus, or they could rather be used to keep silent a certain element. As far as Elements are concerned, it must be clear that I'm talking about…
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